Blog Post 3: My dream job

 Blog post 3

Topic: My dream job


  • What kind of job would you like to have in the future? How do you imagine it?

  • What skills will you need 

  • What about the salary?

  • What major are you studying / are you thinking of taking? Explain why

  • Add any other related ideas.

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Word count: 210 words minimum.

In the future, the job I would like to do is, honestly, this one, just continue doing what I am doing. So I guess I should speak from the point of view of a past version of me who hasn’t started working in this university yet, and that is exactly what I will do. 

In the future I would like to work for Universidad de Chile. It is my own alma mater, the best university in the country, and I would make my mother very proud. The skills I need for it are being patient, having a deep knowledge of grammar structures, being a human dictionary and translator, and having an extroverted personality. The salary is not going to be super high, but it's going to be good enough to have a quiet life. Working at a for profit educational institution is quite a soulless endeavor, so the dream is to work at a place where education is first and foremost, like my dearest uchile. My study program was English Linguistics and Literature, and then I went towards second language acquisition studies, so I feel I am more than capable of handling the imparting of lessons, executing the lesson plans, correcting in a gentle way, and above all, guiding people towards their best possible performance.


  1. It is very gratifying to know that this is your dream job.

  2. How amazing that he is doing the job he has always dreamed of

  3. It's wonderful that you have your dream job.

  4. I am very happy for you miss! Fulfilling a dream is not easy work


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